Year 8 Games and Fitness

13th November 2020

During the last two weeks, we have been privileged to have year 8s in our daily fitness sessions. They have had an opportunity to lead the warm-up and the stretches since they have been in school. Lots of children have been joining our fitness sessions at home and have shared photos of their workouts. Well done to you all!

The Year 8s have also been lucky enough to enjoy their first games lesson outside on the sports field. The children were very excited and ready for the lesson, which started with a Covid-19 safety briefing on equipment and social distancing. Thereafter we moved onto a discussion on the lesson objectives and they were taken through a warm-up session. Everyone was pleased to be on the field and it brought back good memories of all the PE & Games lessons, fixtures, tournaments and training sessions we enjoyed before we closed! The students did a quick recap of the different throwing and catching drills. Here are a few pictures of the students’ happy faces during the lesson and during the live fitness sessions.

Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence