Bonjour tout le monde!

19th June 2021

Everyone has been very busy in French this week, with some fantastic work to show for it!

  • Year 3 have been talking about their home: describing family members and drawing very detailed floor plans.
  • Year 4 have started verb practice, learning how to talk about what different outfits people are wearing.
  • Year 5 are looking to the future as they begin learning how to use le futur proche to discuss their holiday plans
  • Year 6 have been working as hard as ever on their spelling homework as they prepare to talk about what they would like to be when they grow up.
  • Year 7’s Topic this Term is Tintin and we have been exploring some of the characters and stories from this World-famous Belgian comic series. Children have translated the opening page of 'Tintin au Tibet' and given some captivating performances, bravely practising their pronunciation in front of the rest of the class.
  • Year 8 have been looking at Fairy Tales to help them practise reading and writing in the past and future tenses. Children have translated the story of Les Trois Cochons Petits and created some fantastic story boards to go alongside the story - in the next few weeks, the children will have a go at writing their very own French Fairy Tales - fantastique!

See below some examples of the work from the Year 7 and Year 8 children.

Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence