Year 6 - 8 History & Geography

20th November 2020

In Humanities this half term, Year 6 have been investigating the continent of Africa. The children began by making memorable mnemonics to help them identify the countries in the different regions of the continent. Students have acted as Vexillologists, delving into the meanings behind a range of National flags. We saw much creativity and artistic flair when children produced flags for their own imaginary countries. As part of their journey to becoming ‘independent learners’, students spent time researching African Leaders and writing short speeches about their lives. It was delightful to hear confident speeches on a range of significant leaders, from Nelson Mandela to Wangari Muta Maathai.

Mnemonics to identify countries.

North Afican Countries-1.png

Imaginary Flags:

Seiya .png

Year 7 have worked hard to expand their knowledge of mapping skills. We have been impressed with their ability to read complex 6-digit grid references on Ordinance Survey Maps. Showcasing their creative side, they have drawn treasure maps and also produced posters with map symbols. This particular unit of work will be crucial if any of our students continue on to study Geography at IGCSE.

Year 8 spent the start of this half term looking at World War One. They re-enacted (in a socially distanced manner) some of the different causes of the war. They also showed great empathy when writing diary entries from soldiers in the trenches. Year 8 are now concluding their unit on the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, once again demonstrating maturity and empathy as they investigate abolitionists such as William Wilberforce and Olaudah Equiano.

Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence