Year 3 Art Week Fun

11th March 2022

The children in Year 3 have been loving Art Week! They started off on Monday by focussing on the colour yellow: wearing it, making dots with it and creating the yellow part of our BNIS human rainbow. The children read The Dot by Peter Reynolds and started to think about what could happen in a sequel to the story.

On Tuesday they studied a form of dot art in Asia, the Mandala. Mandalas can be found in Buddhist and Hindu cultures in Tibet, China, India, Japan, Nepal, Bhutan, and Indonesia. They explored the idea of expressing the things that are important to them with colours and patterns in a cyclical form.


On Wednesday, Year 3 revisited past decades when learning about Pop Art and the famous Andy Warhol. They created their own criteria of what makes Pop Art ‘pop’. This included repeating images in different bright and bold colours.

pop art 2.JPG

On Thursday, the children looked at texture in artwork, and created fabric collages. Some were landscapes or animals, and some were abstract. They also sang along to a catchy tune about The Dot story and reflected on how important it is to believe in yourself and help others to do the same.

texture dots (2).JPG
texture dots.JPG

By Friday the children had completed their own sequel to The Dot and shared their masterpieces with their peers, discussing what was good about their writing and how they could improve. They then listened to the actual sequel, Ish by Peter Reynolds, and compared it to their own.

Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence