Word Mania

9th November 2019

This year we have taken part in Literacy Planet's international, online spelling game - Word Mania.  Children compete as a class against other children of the same age in schools around the world.  The competition centres on how many words can be spelled in three minutes using letters given.  Children have been learning the tricks of adding prefixes and suffixes to help them  score more points. Playing at home and at school, points have been gathered and the competitive spirit ignited!

Well done to Elsie (Year 1), Liam (Year 2), Hayley (Year 3), Nirak (Year 4), Billy G (Year 5), Billy A (Year 6), Daisy (Year 7) and Fridah (Year 8) for playing the most games in their year group this week!  Keep up the spelling everyone, the competition is still on!


Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence