A Well-Being Boost

12th October 2019

It was World Mental Health Day on Thursday 10th October.  At BNIS we started our focus on mental well-being in our assembly on Friday 4th October.  Mrs Gould read us the story 'Lucy's Blue Day'  which helped us to see that everyone sometimes wakes up with 'blue hair' - a day when we don't feel quite right and we feel sad.  We also found out about purple, green and red days and thought about how feelings are there and we often can't control them.  

Our value for the week ahead was respect and we dicussed how we can respect and recognise the feelings of others and what we can do to help if someone is having a 'blue hair day'.  In classes there were discussions around the fact that 'it is Ok to not be OK' and what we can each do to support our own mental well-being as well as that of others.  

On Thursday 10th everyone took good care of their mental well-being with a day off school in recognition of Moi Day!  To end the week, the half term and the special focus on mental-wellbeing, everyone (children and staff from FS1 to Y8) took part in a whole school Zumba session in the quad. This gave us all an insight into the power of music and exercise to put a smile on our faces and help us settle our minds!

A few teachers positioned themselves on stage blocks to help everyone see and we all took our lead from June - our Zumba instructor.  Everyone threw themselves into the session and it was fantastic to be part of and to watch.  Not everyone was as co-ordinated as others but EVERYONE had a big smile on their faces!  Happy half term holidays!

BNIS Zumba
BNIS Zumba
BNIS Zumba
Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence