11th October 2018

As we reach the end of the first half term of the 2018-19 school year, we also mark the end of our first round of Wednesday clubs. For 5 weeks, children have attended one of our clubs to explore interests or try out new things to see if hobbies can be developed!

In Hockey club children were honing their skills and brushing up on their match fitness ready for the hockey season which begins in January. This popular club was largely attended by children who already knew how to play hockey. This club will continue for children in years 3-8 after half term alongside a ‘football for beginners’ club which will be open to anyone.

Mtumba clubs saw children in years 4 to 8 repurposing or modifying items of clothing they brought from home or retrieved from our own mtumba selection of items. They used lace, sequins, scissors and gathers to create their unique items. Thank you to Mrs Freeman for helping out with this club and allowing the children to use her own sewing machine. After the October break, this club will run again for the children in years 1 to 3.

Brain Gym presented a chance for the puzzle hungry children in the school to get their minds working out over sudokus, tangrams, lateral thinking, logical reasoning and a bit of chess for good measure! The club had an interesting mix of children from all year groups which resulted in some new friendships. Watch out for this club to reappear later in the year.

Outdoor sculpture was for the children in years 1-3. They worked together created an archway and other natural sculptures in the area behind the year 1 and 3 classrooms. Using twigs, branches, leaves and stones they built features which give an opportunity for reflection and appreciation. This club will continue after half term for the children in years 4-8 but we do have plans for some indoor/outdoor sculpturing activities if the rain stops them being outside.

Cookery club was definitely a popular one, with over 50 children attending! Children made yoghurty oats, guacamole, smoothies, flapjacks and a no-cook dessert. This is particularly great to hear as not many items created at school seemed to actually make it home! 

Lego club will also be on offer after the October mid-term break. During this club children will be challenged each week to create something out of lego related to a theme.

Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence