United Nations International Day of Peace

21st September 2018

21st September marks the annual United Nations International Day of Peace.  Throughout the week leading up to this, children worked on their individual part for a whole school, peace-themed art project.  Children each created their own design for a piece of origami paper in a variety of ways, including printing using potatoes and creating geometric patterns with careful measurements and compasses.  They each then turned the paper into their own origami dove which was hung in the school hall.  Each of these was unique yet also the same, just like all of us!  The children will continue on from this by using the art installation as a stimulus to create poetry about peace. 

Mrs Gould led assembly on the morning of the 21st September and took the children for a ride in her ‘Ship of Peace’.  She showed them ways in which we each play a role in the promotion of peace including: dealing with conflict without combat;  helping others; challenging inequality; showing kindness to all; and respecting differences.  We were particularly proud of our Stars of the Week in this week who were people who demonstrate peaceful attributes to support harmony within their classrooms.

We travel the road to peace,

every single day.

Improving the world around us,

with what we do and say.

All of us are different,

yet we are all the just the same.

We're people wanting happiness,

during this bumpy, life-long game.

Try giving smiles to see what happens,

don't fight, instead just talk!

Do this and work at being kind

to smooth this road we walk.

Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence