Tigers in the 1990s

25th February 2022

The Year 1s have been finding out about tigers and how sadly, in the 90’s, one of the tiger subspecies, the Javan Tiger, became extinct. After an expedition into the Indonesian forests on the Java island and with data collected from camera traps, no evidence of these tigers' existence could be found. So in 1994 the Jarvan Tiger was declared extinct. It is believed the main reasons they became extinct was because of hunting and their reduced habitat; their forest being cleared to make room for farming.

The Year 1s have been learning about what deforestation is and how not only do we lose wild and beautiful landscapes but also the wildlife within them. As our 90s fortnight progresses, we are going to learn about the Forest Principles document created by the United Nations in 1992 recommending countries to set aside forest reserves and put together reforestation plans.

As the children have discovered more about these amazing animals, they have also become passionate about wanting to protect the remaining numbers and join the reforestation movement.

How far can a tiger leap 1.jpg
The children lay down to try and measure how far a tiger can jump
TIGER Y1b.jpg
TIGER Y1a.jpg
Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence