Water Life-Saving

26th June 2021

This Half Term, the children in Years 4 to 8 are developing essential life-saving skills in their Swimming lessons. These skills could potentially help them to save a life and are therefore essential elements of our Swimming curriculum.

The children have been taught how to identify someone who may be drowning and what steps are necessary to help them. They have learned to tread water, select which stroke works best when supporting someone to swim to safety, and how to tow someone along with them.

The children engaged their critical-thinking skills as they learnt to assess the situation and think fast before acting efficiently to save a potential drowning victim.

Without a doubt, everyone’s favourite lesson was learning how to remove their clothes in the water to create a make-shift float. It was a struggle for some, trying to swim whilst weighed down by their sopping wet clothes, but the challenge was far outweighed by the excitement of getting to jump in the pool fully dressed!

Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence