Stone Age Lewa

23rd November 2018

On Thursday 22nd Nov, Y3 travelled to Lewa to enhance their learning about the Stone Age. 

Whilst there, they spent time at the Education Centre learning about the importance of wildlife and trees. They were shown a variety of bones from animals which they found incredibly interesting as they have recently been learning about skeletons in Science.


The children then climbed on board the bus and had a game drive for free on their way to the archaeological site. Here Seiya’s dad showed them Stone Age tools that were discovered at the site and explained how these had been dated. He talked about evolution and showed the children a variety of replica skulls that dated back over 5 million years.


The group then set off for the cave but had to spend some unplanned time in the bus a group of rhinos would not get out of the way!!  The rangers moved them along and then the children were able to enter the cave, Lewa plan to excavate this at some point as it is believed to have been a Stone Age home. The children did cave rubbings and created pictures in charcoal in the style of cave  paintings.


The day was wonderful and our thanks go to the Watsons and to the MacFarlanes for hosting and educating us so amazingly! The children were unsurprisingly excited but also very well behaved—well done all!

Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence