Roar-some Dinosaurs

10th November 2021

Children in Early Years could not hide their excitement while learning about dinosaurs. They had some fantastic knowledge that they were eager to share with one another, for instance the fact that “dinosaurs had big teeth”, or that “some had long necks”. The excitement wasn’t just for the children though, and teachers were keen not to be left behind, pointing out that “not all dinosaurs ate meat, some ate plants and animals that eat vegetables are called herbivores”.

Creche loved discovering and discussing different facts about dinosaurs and were thrilled with their virtual visit to ‘Sue’ the T-rex skeleton. Naturally, the peak of excitement (no pun intended) was the creation of an Early Years volcanic mountain which was used to model a mini eruption for children to observe first hand one of the main theories for the dinosaur’s extinction.

Hidden around Early Years were even some frozen dinosaur eggs with baby dinosaurs inside! The Creche children were not left out from any of the fun and took part in all the activities alongside the older classes. The ‘wows’ and the ‘aaahs’ could be heard all the way up in the Primary School - what a fun way to learn!

Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence