Reaching for the top of Mt Kenya - Summum Appeto!

26th March 2022

The mountain is just one word for adventure. For Year 8 warriors, it meant conquering a summit! Together with Mrs Mwatsuma and Mr Mulongo and some parents, they went to unlock the most beautiful views on earth. The gigantic mountain was calling…

The trip kicked off on the 15th of March. There was no doubt of the excitement that filled the air. Since we were keen on the detail, we noticed everything: the beauty, the serenity and the splendor- out there on the trail and even more so within us. We stopped frequently to take it all in and got lost in the dreamlike landscape, we all felt free. It was fascinating to see the different landscapes and vegetation as we headed closer towards the peak. We were lucky to have excellent weather giving us never ending views out across the incredible landscape.


The resilience, focus and determination to reach the summit was everybody’s silent motto. The chilly nights and deceptive distances did not deter anyone. And true enough on Friday 18th March from about 6:35am we set foot on the summit of Lenana, the third highest peak of Mt Kenya. EVERYBODY DID IT! A truly rewarding feat…the struggles we faced along the way no longer mattered.

The trip was a real opportunity for our Year 8s to bond further, make unique memories and reminisce on all the wonderful times they have shared together across their BNIS journey. We can’t quite believe they only have one term left with us. Big changes and huge opportunities are coming their way.

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Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence