Pyjamarama Day 2021

28th May 2021

Thursday 27th May was Pyjamarama Day at Braeburn Nanyuki - we wore our pyjamas all day in return for a donation of a book. Who does not love a day in pjs? It felt even better when it was a school day! It was so wonderful to see some of the parents also getting into the spirit of things as they too were dressed in pyjamas when they dropped their children at school. Everyone was comfortable throughout the day, but certainly not lazy, as lessons continued as normal.

We received a huge amount of donations and thank everyone for their generosity. We will donate the books collected to a local library or school - somewhere they will be used and loved for many years to come. More details of this will follow when the suitable recipient has been chosen.

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Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence