
27th January 2019

At Braeburn Nanyuki we have been obsessed with Poetry for a few weeks. On Friday 18th January we held the finals of our poetry recital competition for the children in Years 1-3. The children in Years 4-8 followed in assembly the week after on Friday 25th January. Then on Saturday 26th January three superstar performers took part in the annual, Nairobi Academy Verse Speaking competition in Karen. 

Mrs MacKay and Mrs Gould were delighted with how enthusiastic the children across the school were about auditioning for the competitions. 

The auditions for the Nairobi competition were held before Christmas and resulted in Hayley (Y2B) representing the school in the Under 8 category, Chloe (Y3) representing the school in the Under 10 category and Fynn (Y5) representing the school in the Under 12 category. All three children are very keen performers and excel in theatre and public speaking. They took part with absolute dedication and were well-prepared after practising thoroughly. Mrs MacKay was overwhelmed by how well all three children performed and they should feel very proud of themselves. We are proud of all of them and are thrilled that Hayley placed 2nd in the Under 8 category – the highest placing child in all the Braeburn schools!!!

The in-house finals were also of a high standard and judges were under pressure to choose between the entrants. Children all selected, practised and performed a poem of their choice. There were funny poems, classics, home-written verses and poems that held strong messages. Both finals were extremely enjoyable and there were lots of proud parents in the audiences. Thank you to everyone for coming to support and well done to all the competitors and winners!

Winners in the in-house competition:

Year 1 – Liam     Year 5 - Grace 
Year 2 – Nora Year 6 – Jessica
Year 3 – Finn Year 7/8 – Elsa, Electra & Hallie
Year 4 – Willow

Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence