People who help us

5th February 2022

We have had a fantastic start into our new topic People who help us’. Learning about this topic has enabled the children to make connections between themselves and the outside world. It aims to make them more aware of the different jobs and roles people take on in their own homes, in school and in their local community. It can help allay fears for children who worry about going to visit medical specialists or have concerns about intruders or fires.

The FS2 children have been lucky to interact with three special people who help us in our school this week. First we had a visit from one of our Drivers - Jadiel and then we visited our Chef - Janice and finally Nurse Judith popped in to talk about her special role. It was lovely to see the children listening keenly and asking some sensible questions about their jobs. The children were surprised that you have to be at least 18 years old before you can get a driving licence. They were also fascinated to learn that Chef Janice's easiest meal to prepare was Pilau and her least favourite was ugali (it requires a lot of muscles and energy)! We are looking forward to more visits in the coming week.


The children have been involved in role-play as different professions. They have also set up their own shop - ‘The Flower and Pet Shop’; where they have enjoyed role playing as shop attendants or customers. We have also had some amazing ‘show and tell’, where children brought items relating to different jobs from home.

Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence