Nous adorons le français ici à BNIS!!

18th March 2021

Everyone has been working incredibly hard in French this term, from Year 3 learning how to talk about their pets, all the way up to Year 8, who have been learning what it might be like to grow up in France.

In Years 6, 7 and 8, students have been taking part in weekly spelling tests since we all came back to in-person learning after Christmas and my goodness what progress everyone has made! Take a look at the photos below to see how much effort Michelle in Year 6 has been putting into learning the numbers from 60 to 100 this week - c’est fantastique!!

Whilst you’re looking at the photos, you may even notice à rather shiny gold sticker on Billy in Year 6’s hat…. You guessed it, a headteacher’s award! And a well deserved one at that; Billy has managed to score full marks on every spelling test to date!

Michelle and Billy are far from the odd one out with the brilliant effort they have been putting in, in fact, every single student from Year 3 and up definitely deserves an ENORMOUS well done for how hard they have been working in all of their lessons - bon travail tout le monde!

And finally, whilst we are looking at people who deserve to be congratulated, you may have spotted some very proud looking Year 3s below… Jasper, Thomas, Valencia and Lily all did themselves, and the rest of their class, proud on Friday by very bravely coming to assembly to share the conversations which they wrote themselves, all about their pets - bravo!

Year 3.jpg
Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence