Non-Fiction Reports

24th March 2021

This half term in English, Year 2 have been learning to write non-fiction reports. They began by reading a sample report and discussing how it was organised. They looked carefully at the language used and everyone worked with friends to create sentences using the language of experts. You can see some examples of the introductions they came up with in one of the photos. Then they worked on a section at a time making sure the information we included was relevant to that sub-heading. Children created their own dragons or other imaginary creatures to write about, coming up with some amazing descriptions and lots of ideas about where they might live and what they might eat. In Art/DT they designed and made habits for their creatures and you can see their amazing creativity in the photos. The children have had fun using their imagination whilst learning how a non-fiction report is organised.

Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence