New Start

27th August 2019

The 2019-20 school year started on Monday 26th August with an induction morning for the new children and parents joining Braeburn Nanyuki this school year. The morning enabled our new (very nervous) children to visit the school without the hustle and bustle that a full school brings.  

Children and parents turned up looking apprehensive and were met in the hall by members of staff.  Everyone introduced themselves, grabbed a drink and a slice of cake and then took a seat.  Miss Kioko warmly welcomed everyone to BNIS and then children found their new teacher and went off to do an activity with them in their new classroom.

Whilst the children were gone, parents learned a little more about the school and had questions answered.  Everyone (staff, parents and children) then trooped off to the school field where we all played some games together.  The children were MUCH better than the adults and easily won all games!

New Start
New Start

After another chance for a drink and slice of cake, the new families were given a map to complete. This activity helped them to find out who lives in which room around the school and what happens in each room.  It was lovely to see the children relaxing as they explored the whole of the school.

On Friday 23rd August, the new staff at the school had had their opportunity to become part of the BNIS team.  Everyone  took part in teams who were set off on a scavenger hunt, asked to create the school logo out of natural materials, challenged to a game of giant ball volleyball and then everyone gathered together for a trust activity 'team sit'. 

Both events were great fun and a lovely way to meet and integrate the new members of our BNIS community.  Karibu Nanyuki, karibu Braeburn!

Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence