Music All Around Us

12th November 2021

What a musically exciting term this has been!
Just a week into the term, auditions for the musical 'Supersal' kicked off and year 5 and 6 began learning lines, lyrics and choreography; they delivered a phenomenal performance and were rightfully incredibly proud of themselves. Now we all know who to call when confronted by the Bogeyman or the evil Candy King: Supersal of course!

The fun didn’t stop there, though. In the second half of term children have been performing experiments to learn more about sound.

Did you know that sound is really vibrations that can travel through air, water, walls and many other media?
Did you know that the larger the surface area of a vibrating object, the lower the pitch?
Did you know glass and metal are good conductors of sound?

Well, children in Years 3 to 5 have had fun conducting experiments during their lessons to explore all of these questions and are beginning to develop their knowledge of sound.

Lastly, each year group has begun preparations for their own special carol to sing during the upcoming Entrepreneur Market morning.

The cherry on top of this jam packed term of music is of course the Year 1 and 2 Nativity play - what better way to go out with a bang?

Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence