MKT Art Competition

16th November 2019

On Friday 15th November we hosted the judging of the Mount Kenya Trust (MKT) Festival Art Competition 2019.  Four schools were part of the competition - BNIS, Hampton, PCEA Timau and Lairagwan Jua Kali.  Both BNIS and Hampton sponsored each of the other schools to enable them to take part by buying them the equipment needed for the competition.

Children created their own picture of Mount Kenya in groups of two to four in two age categories - Age 5 - 8 and Age 9 -12.  All children had access to exactly the same resources and represented Mount Kenya in whatever way they felt appropriate. One of our parents - Ellie Hutton - supported both local schools to learn how to use materials to create their pictures.  She also enabled our children to complete their pictures using time during and after school.  Huge thanks go to her for her efforts, we really could not have done it without her!!

Our four pieces of art were created by Ben and Wairimu, Archer and Tiki, Deepshan and Kline, Daisy and Alice.

Anne Tissier from MKT presented the event. Whilst judges were deliberating, children and parents enjoyed a slice of cake, met each other and learnt a bit about the work of the Trust.  Once deliberating was over, the children presented their work to each other and their parents.  Everyone was incredibly impressed at the standard of the work produced but there was to be only one winner in each age group.  

Everyone was in full agreement when PCEA Timau won the age 5-8 category with a beautiful pink sky collaged mountain and it was then, with much excitement, we found out that Daisy and Alice had won the age 9-12 category!  Well done girls!

Everyone left with a goody bag and a tree to plant in recognition of their hard work.  The pictures will now be sold to raise valuable funds for MKT.  FANs will be purchasing Daisy and Alice's winning entry for display in school - thank you FANs!  Parents have been offered the opportunity to buy the piece of work their child help produce.  Any pieces that are left will then be auctioned off at future events.

PCEA Timau and Lairagwan Jua Kali are not able to afford to purchase any of their own artwork.  We shall be gathering donations to 'send these home' to the respective schools during our next Farmer's Market on 29th November 2019.

Thank you to Anne Tissier for organising the event, we look forward to next year!

BNIS MKT Art Competition
BNIS MKT Art Competition
BNIS MKT Art Competition
BNIS MKT Art Competition
Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence