KS 3 History

12th March 2021

This half term year 7 have been exploring international supply chains. They have used the case study of the Apple iPhone to firstly investigate where in the world the raw materials are sourced. They discovered how historically Apple mined materials such as Coltan in The Democratic Republic of Congo but are now seeking to make their products from recycled materials. The children also looked at the rise of China and its role as ‘the workshop of the world’. The children have been developing their writing skills by writing essays on how sustainable the Apple supply chain is.

Year 8 have been focusing on the theme of borders. Discussions have ranged from visible to invisible, historic to modern and natural to man-made borders. They have examined the pull and push factors that have led to migrants crossing the Mexican – USA border. Students researched the impact of the desert climate surrounding the border and the influence that politics has played across this border. The children particularly enjoyed learning about the 38th Parallel that divides North and South Korea. They compared what life is like for children on either side of this border. In response to learning about life in North Korea, they wrote letters to NGO’s to call for more action to be taken to protect the Human Rights of those citizens. They weaved true Braeburn spirit into the letters, demonstrating passion and humility in abundance.

In History year 8 have looked at the British Industrial Revolution of 1760- 1840, seeing how it helped Britain to become a superpower of the time. Following this period in history, the children are now learning about the Reign of Queen Victoria. They have been intrigued by her decade of mourning following the death of Prince Albert. They are just beginning to establish Queen Victoria’s role in orchestrating the growth of the British Empire.

Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence