Irrigation Fascination

23rd March 2019

The children came to school bubbling with excitement on Thursday 21st March following a STEM focused week filled with talking about irrigation and creating working models in their classes. On Friday 22nd - World Water Day – they worked hard to show off what they’d been learning and creating at the Irrigation Fair.


At the Irrigation Fair systems made by each class were on display alongside some systems that had been made by children at home with their parents. Each stall was rotationally manned by two children from the class who enjoyed describing how their systems worked, if/how they conserve water and the challenges they faced with the model making. Two year groups chose to showcase historical water transport systems – one from the Roman era and one developed by the Egyptians. 


Each class had the opportunity to explore the Fair and interview the children manning the stalls. Children gave suggestions on improvements which were recorded on feed-back forms. A huge amount of peer-to-peer learning took place and all children showed pride and ingenuity throughout the whole week of focused work.

Thanks go out to all the children for making it such a fun event.  Particular thanks are extended to Mrs Bebbington and Miss Kamau who came up with the idea and brought the whole thing to fruition.

Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence