Hog Charge at Peponi School

29th January 2018

 Hog Charge is a mountain Bike  event  aimed at school children to get them actively involved in Conservation fund raising and in so doing, they would learn about the efforts to conserve the forests of Kenya, how to inter-react with sponsors, learn team work and also give them a challenge when they took part in the event. Parents and teachers are also encouraged to take part.

In this year, we had some of our children taking part in the event and did us really proud in winning in their categories. These included:

Under 12 girls team that included Edith Hobbs, Elsa Dyer, Lois Dekker and Olivia Horwood.

Robin Bebbington and  Noah Dekker’s team won the Under 14 boys event as well at the Under 14 boys gauntlet!

A big well done to the boys’and girls’ team

Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence