Fun Phonics in FS2

4th March 2022

FS2 has been abuzz with activity, with children immersing themselves in the 2000s decade theme and enjoying exploring different toys, games, books, songs, dance and famous personalities.

Wangari Maathai was a firm favourite when it came to learning about famous people of the 2000s; she championed environmental causes, planting trees and taking care of the world we live in. The children were amazed that she was actually born not far from Nanyuki and used to enjoy the view of Mount Kenya just as they do. This was wonderful inspiration for children to share their love and knowledge of trees

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Barack Obama was another key personality that we studied and the children’s favourite fun fact about him was that he does not like ice-cream! ‘’Who doesn’t enjoy the yummiest dessert!?’’ They wondered.

The children have enjoyed incorporating some music into their phonics lessons by tapping sounds attached to tin cans and ‘singing’ out the words; we have also been doing some shared writing activities.

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Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence