FANs Community Support

10th September 2020

Last term our student council developed and championed the '2.6 challenge' to raise money to help those affected by job loss from the coronavirus pandemic.

The response to that challenge was amazing and 230,000 kes was raised to buy food for local families in need. We partnered with Chieni supermarket to purchase 75 packages that included staple foods like maize, green grams, and flour along with soap and other household items. The care packages were designed to help a family of four for at least a month. In total the packages amounted to over 3 tons of food and supplies being handed out in our town!

FANS partnered with our students to help oversee the purchasing and distribution of food. We worked with three local chiefs in Likii, Kangaita, and Majengo to identify families in need with the support of the Deputy County Commissioner and two of her assistants. It took two teams, including help from Mr. Craven, to get all the packages handed out in one day.

We got to meet a lot of amazing people, and every time someone heard that it was young students who were able to raise so much money, they said to tell them all "thank you so much".

So, thank you to all of our students and their sponsors who had such a huge impact in helping our community during a difficult time. Thank you also to the FANS team, our parent support group, who give up a lot of their time to help with our communication as well as charity and social events.

Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence