Fairy Tale Fun

18th March 2022

Wanted: Wolf

Crime: Blowing down houses

Reward: 6 Stickers!

Children in FS1 have had an incredibly fun week of reading, acting out, painting and building some of their favourite traditional tales.

There was even an exciting guest appearance from a Big Bad Wolf who stopped by the classroom, curiously dressed in a BNIS sports kit…

‘Little pigs, little pigs let me come in’ He called. Shocked silence. Not for long though! The children were quickly laughing, screaming and even calling back, “not by the hair on our chinny chin chins!’

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This was then followed by fun and games, with the children playing chase away the wolf, a game they designed to scare away their mysterious visitor; they then played What’s the time Mr. Wolf, showing off some wonderful counting as they dared themselves to get closer and closer to the Fairy Tale villain.

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It has been lovely to see how the whole EYFS have got really involved in the stories: in FS1, children made the 3 different houses from the Three Little Pigs story, using straw, wood, and bricks and used toy animals to retell the story. In FS2, a well timed gust of wind came and blew away someone’s painting, convincing the class that it must have been the Wolf himself! The whole class set off to find him, along the way they found lots of clues he had been here including scratch marks on a tree, broken and chewed up branches and even a poster with his face on it! In creche the children have loved listening to the stories, in particular Goldilocks and the Three Bears: they loved the idea of the three different sized bears. They drew pictures of the different characters and had lots of interesting (and enlightening!) discussions around the topic of stealing snacks.

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Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence