EYFS Hands on Learning

22nd April 2021

EYFS children have seamlessly begun Term 3, eagerly joining their LIVE online lessons lessons. Engagement is high which, alongside the way we have planned the term, will make for a smooth transition back to in-person learning as soon as we are allowed.

The children in FS2 have had fun this week exploring manipulative ways to measure in Maths. They have also been using their phonic knowledge to write simple captions for their own stories (see the Talk for Writing article) and are indulging in lots of fun sensory challenge activities at home.

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The children in FS1 are exploring repeating patterns using shapes, body percussion and colours. They really enjoyed hunting in the houses for things they could use to make patterns. A whole range of things were used to help explore this crucial concept with Maths.

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Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence