Excitement in Early Years

13th January 2022

Children in Early Years have had a wonderful start to Term 2: our children appear to have used the holiday to 'recharge their batteries,' as our classes are buzzing with passion and energy.

They have studiously checked on the pets and cared for them by feeding them and providing ample clean water. The children were so excited to have the mini seesaws back that the trampoline was suddenly deserted-let’s see how long the excitement lasts!

The FS2 children have enjoyed their swimming lessons and they are becoming more confident in the pool.

The class has embarked on our new topic ‘Wild Animals’, which has lent itself nicely to our children’s experience on safari. The children are also enjoying stories from the ‘Tinga Tinga Tales’ books which explore animal origins and why certain animals behave or appear in a given manner. The children have had fun talking about, drawing and creating their favourite animals.

As you can see, we have another terrific term planned in EYFS and we can’t wait to see what our children achieve in the months ahead.

Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence