Decades Finale Day

9th March 2022

Last Friday brought the long awaited arrival of Decades Finale Day… true to Braeburn Nanyuki form, staff and students alike arrived at school dressed to impress in outfits to represent the decades they had been learning about over the past two weeks.

There wasn’t long to admire each other’s outfits, however, as set up for the day soon began. Children prepared their exhibits, rehearsed their presentations, and finalised their performances ready for the busy day ahead!


It was so much fun getting the chance to visit the different classes around school and everyone from Creche to Year 8 traveled through time. The children were wonderful ambassadors for their learning and showed amazing interest in other people’s learning, asking interesting questions and immersing themselves in the interactive exhibits (Year 5s in-house 70s disco was definitely a big hit!).


Feeling so inspired by the fortnight’s learning, children even opted to share some of the playground games they had learnt, the corridors were filled with hopscotch and a giant game of Red Rover took over much of the school field - even some of the teachers couldn’t resist giving it a go!

After lunch it was time for more hurried preparations: rearranging, outfit touch ups and excitedly getting ready for parents to take a tour through the different decades. Once again, the children did themselves proud; they managed to overcome the excitement of seeing their parents dressed in retro decades style and captivated audiences with their knowledge and enthusiasm for that they had been learning about in class.


Without a doubt, the highlight of the day was the Decades Show. The crowd was treated to a phenomenal show featuring singing and dancing to classics such as “Grease Lightning”, “Ice Ice Baby” and “Thriller”. “Gummy Bear”, which children in Early Years performed fantastically as part of their learning about the 2000s, proved to be a real crowd favourite, with almost all of the older children joining in with the song…

Then, there were hushed whispers…. What could the “surprise” be? Who would be performing next? What could the teachers be giggling about?

All of these questions were answered when staff crept forwards to the stage, delivering what can only be described as a jaw-dropping performance of “Party Rock”. There were oohs, aahs, laughs and definitely a few pulled muscles but it was worth it to end the day on such a high.

Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence