12th May 2019
We were very proud to host the annual (KAISSO) Braeburn Nanyuki Inter- School Cross Country event again this year. The event was held for its second year at Tumbili Estate in Jua Kali on Saturday 11th May.
A total of five schools competed in the races which were organised by age - Under 9, Under 11 and Under 13. We were delighted to welcome Gems Cambridge, Braeside School, Braeburn Imani and Braeburn Gitanga.
The youngest competitors set off first, at 9.30am, and certainly gave it their all! They ran 2km, the Under 11s ran 2.5km and the Under 13s completed 3.2km. The energy that the children of all ages managed to muster for sprint finishes was jaw-dropping. Everyone ran with pride and determination.
We were delighted to win medals in all categories:
Saida (Y4) U9 girls - silver
Flynn (Y5) U11 boys – gold
Corey (Y6) U11 boys – silver
Anika (Y6) U11 girls – gold
Gems, who were participating for the first time, took home the winning trophy, Braeburn Nanyuki came in second and Braeburn Gitanga were third. We are always proud of our children but, being hosts alongside doing so well, was a very special moment for all of us.
The weather was great and supporters came in numbers to cheer on the competitors. We would like to thank everyone for their support and encouragement and especially to those parents who marshalled during the event. Our thanks are particularly extended to Charlie Dyer for his sponsorship and beautiful handcrafted trophy, and JP Dekker for the use of the land and all his help in advance and on the day.
We are already looking forward to next year!