Climbing fun

3rd July 2021

Our Year 7 children were joined by the few Year 8s who did not join the Mount Kenya trip this week. It was not fair to make them have a week of lessons whilst the other were up the mountain so we planned a 'different' week for them. On Tuesday 29th June, we sent them off to do their own climb, down the road at the Mount Kenya Climbing Gym.

Mr Mulongo and Miss Serway accompanied the children and provided lots of enthusiasm and encouragement. Many of the got to the top (including Mr Mulongo!) and were able to ring the famous bell to signify their achievement. Others may not have reached the top but they still climbed further than their comfort zone which they were very proud of themselves for. The boulder wall was very popular with the children whilst they await their turn to attempt the vertical climb.

Thank you goes to the Mount Kenya Climbing Gym. This is a fabulous resource to have just down the road to use for special trips or for extra-curricular clubs and our Year 7 and 8 group LOVED their trip.

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Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence