Christmas is coming

10th December 2018

Friday 7th December was our last day at school before Christmas and what an amazing day it was! The children arrived first thing to find that our wooden reindeer had been stolen!!! They then spent the morning gathering clues around the BNIS ‘mansion’ meeting possible suspects in order to work out who the thief actually was. 

The morning, based loosely on the board game Cluedo, saw children ‘earning’ clues by completing various challenges in different ‘rooms’ around the school hosted by the suspects, including Mrs Black, Professor Plum and Reverend Green! There was a lego challenge, a noise quiz, an obstacle course, a dance-off, riddle solving and a number of other activities. When children had completed all the activities everyone gathered in the quad to solve the clues. It turned out that Mrs MacKay (AKA Miss Scarlet) was the criminal!!!! After being ‘arrested’ she apologised profusely and returned the reindeer safely back to where they belonged!

Parents joined their children halfway through the morning and set up picnic spots all over the quad. There was a relaxed sing-a-long of 'Ding Dong Merrily on High' and 'Jingle Bells'. The singing was obviously loud and clear as it prompted the sound of a helicopter overhead that was carrying FATHER CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!

With much excitement, everyone ran to the school field to watch the helicopter land. Santa, surrounded by around twelve helpful elves, then made his way over to the school to watch carefully chosen gifts being distributed. Books, pencils and other bits and bobs were received by delighted children. Each of them got to thank him personally when he visited every class group for a photo and a quick chat. Unfortunately, he said he was rather busy at that time, so he then jetted back off in his helicopter to deliver more presents to happy children. What an absolute delight to see him in person!


Families then continued with their relaxed picnic in the sun (which thankfully showed its face after a week of heavy rain!!), snacking on their own food, or that purchased from Carol’s Cafe who set up shop in the school hall. After adults and children joined in for ‘We wish you a Merry Christmas’, everyone made their way home to enjoy some well earned rest and family time for a few weeks. 

Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence