
13th November 2019

On Friday 8th November, our U11 rounders team took part in the annual Nairobi Academy rounders tournament. We were pooled with Nairobi Academy, Premier Academy, Brookhouse and Braeside School.

The girls played their first match against Nairobi Academy and lost 6 : 4 ½. This was not the setback it could have been; the determination set in and the girls began their second game with confidence.  This game ended in a draw with both Premier Academy and our girls scoring 7 ½ rounders each.

We went from strength to strength and, much to Mr Masafu and Miss Hogan's delight,  won both our 3rd and 4th matches! We beat Brookhouse 8 ½ : 3 and Braeside 9 ½ : 4. 

This meant we had qualified for the semi-final against Oshwal! The game was very tense throughout but, despite their fatigue, our girls played with all they had to win 5 ½ : 4.

The girls did not let this win go to their heads, they pulled together, kept their focus and approached the final - against BGR - with professonalism.  BNIS won the toss and fielded first. Our girls displayed fantastic defensive fielding tactics and prevented the girls from Gitanga Road scoring any more than a single rounder.  We stepped up to bat, drew on every tiny reserve of energy left, and scored 3 ½ rounders.  BNIS had won the tournament!

The team lifted the trophy for the first time in history! Jade was voted the 'Most Valuable Player' in four of the matches and Harriet in the final match.

Congratulations go to Jade (captain), Prekshya , Seiya M, Michelle, Saida, Elizabeth, Sasha, Treza, Chloe, Olivia, Harriet and Nerissa! 

Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence