Boosting Learning Through Drama

14th January 2022

At Braeburn Nanyuki, family assemblies showcase some of the children’s learning from class. The build-up work that goes into putting these mini shows together enriches and solidifies the children’s learning and at the end of it all they feel a real sense of achievement and a deep understanding of the topic that they were learning.

The Year 1 children are currently getting ready for their assembly next week where they will be telling their peers about The Great Fire of London. They are very excited about it and are enjoying finding out more in discussions, thinking about what it was like though acting, creating props, learning facts and looking at pictures.

In their assembly they will show some of the historical skills that they have started working on. Such as: asking questions, memorising facts, understanding events better through role-play, comparing technology and knowing how the event has influenced our lives today.

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Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence