Bike Crazy

27th September 2018

This week at BNIS we had a huge amount of fun with our bikes. On Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th the children in years 1-4 brought their bikes to school and rode our track during their lunch hour. There were lots of red faces whilst children worked up a sweat racing each other, flying over jumps and pretending to be motorcyclists.
After school on Friday Mr Mafasu, Mr Franco and some trusty helpers extended the track ready for our family Social Cycle on Saturday morning. Mount Kenya was out, in all her beauty for the start of the event, with clear blue skies. Families arrived promptly and the track was in use from the start! Children and parents were seen leaping the jumps, racing the track and negotiating the carefully constructed 'muddy stream'! This 'stream' was the definitely most popular attraction and was the reason there were so many mud-covered children spotted around Nanyuki that afternoon!
Children in years 5-8 are very much looking forward to their bike days on Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th October. Don't forget your helmets!!
Children in Early Years are lucky enough to have bike days every week. Their permanent bike track is always in use by children on the school bikes however there is nothing better than your own bike!  Children in Creche can bring their bikes to school every Wednesday, FS1 every Friday and FS2 every Thursday.  There are always child 'police' and 'mechanics' on site to support anyone in need!
Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence