7th September 2019

We were delighted to welcome Mr Tom Craven to Braeburn Nanyuki on Friday 6th September.  He will be taking on the role of headteacher at the school after the half-term break. 

He arrived in Nanyuki on Thursday afternoon where he was introduced to the staff but, it was clear, he was most looking forward to meeting the children and parents on Friday.

Miss Kioko led a special assembly in his honour to officially welcome him.  The children created pieces of shared artwork during the week to show off our school and to let Mr Craven know we were looking forward to his arrival.  Our Head Boy and Head Girl wrote poems to describe the kind of school we are and the choir sang with great gusto to welcome him. 

Tom Craven Welcome

Welcome to our school it’s a wonderful place,

The birds chirp throughout the day, 

always waiting to peck on our lunch

We soak in the majestic, wonderful Mt Kenya every day,

the air is fresh and cool in the morning

BNIS is amazing.

Our school holds the future of many students

And of course the teachers,

without them would we not know much

The teachers here are especially unique;

they have a kind heart with a dash of humour.

Our school may be small but it’s growing every year,

New students, staff and teachers enjoy their time here

Never having enough of wonderful scenery green

and so bright in the rainy season.

Welcome to our school it’s a wonderful place,

with birds chirping throughout the day

the wonderful mountain watching our backs,

the scenery beautiful view of the wonderful Mount Kenya

this is why BNIS is amazing.

Some people call us the Bush School,

Wild, Not in the city.

You can see amazing views every day you are here,

Seeing the mountain, brilliant and fantastic, watching us grow.

We are children from different places,

As friendly as can be.

Playtimes are filled with energy and creative games

We don’t really like our shoes,

We love to climb trees and play in the mud or rain.

We sometimes need reminders we can’t always do this.

Luckily we have nice teachers to help us along,

And Ms Kioko to guide us all.

There are amazing events:

On Christmas, a special person comes to see us,

As he flies high above our heads …. Then

Look, look, look ….. It’s Father Christmas!

On Easter, we have a hunt to find all the eggs

And not a single child is forgotten.

Soon it will be Bonfire night and we will light up the sky bright (with fireworks).

Oh, and Movie night, under the stars, snuggled as a family, munching away and watching.

There is so so much more and you will find we are a lovely school where we all try our best.

We look forward to showing you.

Welcome to our school!

Each class planned and chose a question to ask him and we learned a lot about him through his answers.  We found out that:

He has worked in Mombasa for 3 years

  • He has lived in Uganda, USA, England and Kenya
  • He was born in Manchester
  • He hasn’t always been a teacher, he used to work for a company called Unilever
  • He sees his job at BNIS to be mainly about making everyone happy – children, staff and parents
  • He likes birds, books, hiking and tennis
  • He will miss the people in Mombasa
  • He is really looking forward to coming to BNIS but he is also a little nervous
  • He thinks BNIS is a great school

After assembly had finished, tea, coffee and cake was served on the school field to give parents a chance to come and meet Mr Craven.  Everyone thinks he seems really nice and we are very much looking forward to his arrival at the school next month

BNIS Welcome Tom Craven
BNIS Welcome Tom Craven
BNIS Welcome Tom Craven
BNIS Welcome Tom Craven
BNIS Welcome Tom Craven
BNIS Welcome Tom Craven
BNIS Welcome Tom Craven
BNIS Welcome Tom Craven
BNIS Welcome Tom Craven
Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence