Street, 3D and Performing Arts

26th June 2021

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This half term Year 6 have dived into a unit on ‘Street Art’. The work started with analysis of the work of anonymous, UK-based artist Banksy. The children passionately debated if graffiti can be considered art or, is it in fact, an act of vandalism. We looked at Banksy’s most recent installations that combine his signature style with references to the COVID-19 pandemic. Mirroring Banksy’s use of stencils, the children created their own versions using cardboard and craft knives.

Another inspiring artist that we have explored the work of is Edgar Muller. His 3D chalk street art that often utilises ‘found objects’ provided a great stimulus for the Year 6 children to decorate our own ‘school streets’. A stand out creation was a chalk orange that used an existing tuft of grass to form the leaves/hairdo!

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Year 7 used the oil painting ‘The Balloon’ by Pál Merse as a stimulus for their work for the final half term of the year. They also explored, and took inspiration from, Africa’s first female hot-air balloon pilot, Captain Joyce Beckwith from Kenya.

After mastering drawing a range of different shaped hot-air balloons they moved onto designing their own 3D balloons. They then moved on to use papier-mâché to form the frame for their own balloons. The final balloons will be unveiled at a later date!

The children in Year 8 have embraced the opportunity to improve their performing art skills as they approach the end of their time at BNIS. They have worked on an adaptation of Romeo and Juliet following a period of time studying Shakespeare in English.

They all helped to direct and stage the different scenes and have worked together to create a thrilling show! Using their DT skills, they have designed and made swords and other props to be used in the famous Capulet vs Montague battles! A group of the Year 8 girls painted the backdrop.

They have really enjoyed the chance to work together to create this performance and they are very much looking forward to putting on the show in the school and then for their parents during the final week of term.

Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence