Aladdin Night

2nd October 2019

On Friday 20th September we enjoyed our first movie night of the year. The rains were threatening and a short shower at around 5 pm made everyone very nervous but, the skies quickly cleared and everything went ahead as planned. 

As families settled down and prepared their ‘spot’ it was good to notice parents new and old joining the event. This time we had the added treat of a popcorn seller on site. She kindly donated 20% of her proceeds to our FANs funds. 

The event began with a passionate speech, played on the big screen, from Greta Thunberg reminding us how we can take action now towards the fight against Climate Change. (Find out more about what the children at BNIS are doing to develop understanding around Climate Change and also to reduce the negative impact of BNIS in our Climate Activists news article.)

Aladdin, the film voted for by the children, started just as the sun began to set. It is a fabulous remake of this famous story which was very much enjoyed by both the adults and children. There were many people snuggling in blankets and chomping on popcorn as well as enjoying a drink under the stars. 

Watch this space to see what we will watch at our next movie night!

Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence