10Km Challenge

18th June 2021

On the morning of Wednesday 16th June, the Year 2 and 3 children took part in a 10km running challenge. These children have been running twice a week to improve their fitness for the last few months and were really excited to challenge themselves to see just how far they could run. Everyone was so motivated and determined to do their best.

They set off in groups each with their own individual goal in mind. The atmosphere was amazing with children from other classes and staff coming out to cheer them on. Every single person surpassed their own, and the teachers', expectations to run further than they have ever done before.

The determination and positive attitude of these children is commendable and has now inspired the rest of the school to start running. Not only did the children achieve their goals and most of the accompanying staff did too.

It was a fabulous morning. Here are some quotes from children’s recounts of the event.

‘I woke up at 3am I was so excited.’ Lewis.

‘At eighteen laps my legs trembled, when I reached twenty at the blue cone I sprinted’ Tito.

‘I did 6k then I was so impressed with myself I was happy’ Isobel.

‘I was going for 7km. To be honest I was pretty nervous but after a few laps I felt confident’ Jaden.

‘On the 6th lap I felt amazing’ Daniel.

‘I kept going, on the last lap I was tired and happy’ Islay.

‘The 10k run made me feel very happy’ Sienna.

‘I kept motivating myself and Neil with people cheering me on’ Isabelle.

‘These children are an inspiration. I am so impressed with all of them’ Ms Dixon.

Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence