Our Community

Bonfire Night, poetry evenings, children’s discos, movie nights, markets and theatre productions are some of the many social events organised throughout the year providing opportunities for parents and friends to socialise.

The Braeburn Nanyuki community also actively supports a number of external community initiatives, such as the children’s races at the ever-popular Mt Kenya Trust 10 to 4 Bike Challenge and various projects that assist community, education, health and conservation.

We operate an open-door policy where we actively encourage parents and guardians to fully participate in the learning process of their children. Through our website, mobile app and weekly newsletters, we keep parents informed of school events and developments. We also have a Parent Forum that meets once a term to discuss any agenda items put forward by parents to the Headteacher for open conversation. Parent/Teacher meetings take place throughout the year, providing a time for parents to meet formally with their child’s class teacher to discuss academic progress. These take place three times a year and are supported by a written report sent home just before or just after. Should a parent or teacher have any immediate concerns or topics for discussion, appointments may be booked at a convenient time.

Braeburn is proud of its ethos displayed in all of its schools and with the dedicated staff in place at Braeburn Nanyuki, we are sure that the children you place in our care will grow up in a happy environment, with the right skills and values to become successful adults.

Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
GL Education Assessment Excellence