Within Primary we build on the skills that the children have developed in the Early Years Foundation Stage. Our highly qualified and enthusiastic teachers develop the curriculum to ensure that the children’s learning is exciting, interesting and relevant. With our all-inclusive teaching approach, we ensure that all children have full access to the curriculum. Where children need additional support, this is provided to them through a personalised learning programme.
Emphasis is placed on ensuring core basic skills in English, Mathematics and Science are achieved. These essential skills are woven into our topical subjects – History and Geography. At Braeburn Nanyuki we have a strong focus on the Creative Arts - Music, Drama, Art and Design Technology - developing the children’s natural artistic abilities and talents. Modern language skills are another important part of our children’s learning process, and so consequently we teach the children French and Kiswahili as part of the curriculum.
With our unique location at the foot of Mt Kenya, Braeburn Nanyuki is able to offer a broad Physical Education, inclusive of Outdoor Education, Dance and Gymnastics, as well as the more traditional team sports which are taught throughout the academic year.
In keeping with the Braeburn group ethos of internationalism, empathy, tolerance and diversity, our Religious Education and PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) programmes play a pivotal role, ensuring that our children become successful learners and responsible citizens of the world.
The child-led approach to lessons gradually shifts over the course of Year 1 to become more teacher-led and children start to follow a timetable that includes English and Mathematics each day. Phonics continues to be taught throughout Years 1 and 2. Other subjects taught within Primary include Science, Computing, History, Geography, Physical Education, Swimming, Music, Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE), Art and Design Technology.
Kiswahili is taught from Year 1 and, in Year 3, French is also added to the timetable. Focused time is given to Handwriting, Spelling, Guided and Independent Reading .